find your basic pitch

the only 3-day workshop you'll need to start raising funds
join 5 other startup teams to perfect your pitch, craft a memorable pitch deck, and prepare your fundraising strategy

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testimonials :)

this is how we'll help you get the attention you deserve

you'll find your basic pitch

chances are investors don't get what you do. we'll work on the 4 pillars of fundable pitches and present what really matters and what makes you worth investing in.

your deck will stand out

not because it's flashy, but because it's easy to understand. we'll remove all the bs and make sure your deck will get you the first meetings.

you'll have a step-by-step guide, from building your financials to how to hold vc meetings

the most common thing we hear from founders is: "i don't even know where to start". they create a (wordy) deck, jump into meetings blindly, and then get ghosted. you'll never get a real reason behind the "no" or no reply. we'll help you address these issues beforehand and maximise your chances of getting another meeting (or the first one!)

we've been in your shoes and we know you're busy - you don't have the time for figuring things out on your own. that's why this workshop will take you and other 5 startup teams through the basics of vc, financial modelling (again - showing what really matters), how to handle q&a sessions, how to research, reach out, and stay in touch with investors.

we'll give you an investor perspective and invite a vc for a quick q&a.

you'll leave this workshop armed with knowledge, confidence, a killer pitch, and some new friendships

no more dreading the unknown, we'll leave no stones unturned.

supported by our partners

shipshape.vc is an investment search engine built to help founders find relevant investors. it's free to use. || open round is a crm built to track your investor relationships for you. || bamboo orchard is a venture studio, building high-growth startups. || easyv is a fundraising tool helping founders find the perfect investor matches fast, using ai. the ai is fed with +50,000 investors (venture capitals and business angels) across multiple industries, and helps you build a pipeline of warm intros with the founders of the investor’s portfolio companies.
save the dates - 10th to 12th june (online)

day 1

4 hours

the basics: vc and angel landscape

the basics of great pitches + work on your own

you have to know who you're talking to - we'll look at the world of vc and angel investments and how it works. 

theory time - we'll explain what a good pitch looks like and what the 4 pillars of fundable pitches are. 

then we'll jump right into your stuff - you'll present your startup briefly and work on finding your 4 pillars. you'll be split into groups, get some alone time to prepare your drafts and valentina will help you refine them during your 1on1 with her.

you'll leave this day with a strong basic pitch you can present to anyone, anytime.
vc 101
spoken pitch

day 2

4 hours

pitch decks - a great deck example + work on your own

there is no perfect pitch deck. but there are tons of bad ones. 

if you create yours based on the 4 pillars you found in the previous day, yours will already be in the top 15% of the pitch decks investors will see. 

we'll take a look at some great examples, explain why they're good. we'll roast the decks you already have (if you dare), and give you a great starting point to work on them during breakout sessions (alone time + 1on1 session with valentina).

you'll leave armed with a deck you won't be embarrassed to send.
pitch deck

day 3

3 hours+ 1h

how to research and reach out to investors + step by step guide for your round.
bonus: vc q&A

you have your deck and your basic pitch - now what? 

don't spray-and-pray, be smart about the outreach. we'll show you the tools to use when reaching out to investors (from cold email, investor research tools including a crm built for tracking your investor relations), and explain the best ways to warm intros. 

we'll invite a vc to show you the other side of the table and answer all the questions you might still have.

to put the cherry on top, we'll do a crash course about cold emailing, which will help you reach out to investors and massively improve you cac for getting new clients! (extra hour for those who want that superpower)
vc q&a
cold email

okay, but how much does it cost?

early bird
$1990 $495
per startup (1 founder seat, additional founder for $95)
painfully discounted for first 6 teams only-> purchase your ticket now to book a seat! [NO MORE TICKETS LEFT]

that's great, but what else do i get?

- you'll save up to $100k in startup tools and server costs
- inclusive access to the crm built to track your investor relationships for you. (it will save you tons of time)
- email list of your target investors (region and industry)
- at least 1 warm introduction to an investor that might be a good fit
- 1 month free access to the Pivot Network Premium (a community of vetted founders and entrepreneurs. you'll get startup perks, chance to join masterminds, etc)

yeah... I'm not sure if this is for me

this workshop is not for you if you've raised a couple of rounds and you've worked in vc.

but it definitely is for you if: 
- you have never raised more than a fff round
- you are raising vc or angel round for the first time
- you are planning on working on your round alone (no advisors - like us)
- you want to improve your deck and your pitch, but don't want to burn your precious runway on expensive 1on1s
- you want to get better at pitching to your clients (yes, you heard me right)
- you don't know how to utilise the most cost effective way to land new clients (and reach out to investors)
- you want to be more confident during your pitches
- you're not receiving enough replies from investors
- you get ghosted by investors often
- you don't know where to start
- you need money "yesterday" (looking at you - almost every startup i've talked to)
are you ready to pitch confidently?

this could be you

shoot us a msg

you can also reach me at valentina[at]basicpitch.vc

hey, are you fundraising? we've built the perfect pitch deck. 

save 50+ hours of your time with editable slides and slide notes. subscribe to basicpitch.vc newsletter* to get access.
*Monthly founder stories and tips&tricks for fundraising. Just the good stuff.