co-founder as a service

well, not really co-founders - you keep the company.
we just help you build it, lead it, and monetise it.
we gained practical and theoretical experience while building our startups. we can help you build your mvp and get your first 10, 50, 100, 1000 customers. 

tell us what you need

hey, is this you?

you're a solo founder and need a temporary partner to get you to the next milestone

you've built your mvp and now need to get users, or you have an amazing idea but need someone to build it for you. we're good with words and code. 

you have a team, but it's not time to hire for another full time position yet

we can jump in as fractional growth and product roles or as strategy advisors to the founders and teams to get the most out of your existing headcount.

if you recognised yourself in one of those sentences, we can help you

it's difficult to move fast if you lack specific skills and or an extra pair of hands.

speaking from experience (as an ex-ceo that hired too fast) hiring another full time employee as soon as you see some extra work is not the best idea. hiring and onboarding a new hire takes precious time and money away from you and your team. for a couple of weeks after the hire, your team can even be less productive and efficient. 

in most cases, things can be optimised and experienced fractional "employees" can be a lifesaver. they build up the role until you have enough work to hire a full-time person, and they work on setting up the processes that the new hire can adopt and onboard themselves faster

we've worked in product, growth, leadership and sales roles in our startups. we can teach your team how to do it, or do it ourselves. 

we love double-sided platforms (marketplaces) and saas products, but also have practical experience in a lot of other areas (sustainability, hospitality, sports, fintech, ecommerce...) 

frequently asked questions

you need things done *yesterday*?

tell us what you need

shoot us a msg

you can also reach me at valentina[at]

hey, are you fundraising? we've built the perfect pitch deck. 

save 50+ hours of your time with editable slides and slide notes. subscribe to newsletter* to get access.
*Monthly founder stories and tips&tricks for fundraising. Just the good stuff.